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Travel and Tours
The One and Only Club Piz Gloria from "OHMSS"
Welcome to the our Themed Travel, Tours and Cruises Production area. If you enjoy experiencing new sights, cities, countries and locales with a slant to the fun, history, cuisine and glamour of the films then TPP Tours is for you. We enjoy creating special events and tours for friends and those that not only enjoy the movies but wish to live them too. Is it our business? No! We have too much fun with the people we meet around the world, traveling to film locations of all genres and subjects. But we do have many years of film history and production experience not to share it with you.

Leslie and her partners are seasoned travel and cruise agents and have coordinated travel and tours for individuals and corporations for over ten years.
Rich, with many years in the film business, provides the concepts and researches film locations and creates the experiences that our friends and fellow travelers keep coming back for more!
Operation:Nassau Reloaded, as told by Felix |

Re:Field Report: Operation: Nassau Reloaded
To: James Bond, MI6 From Felix Leiter, CIA Bond, here is a copy of my official report I submitted to Langley. I left you and Largo's "niece" back at the island so I assumed you're a bit busy and might appreciate using my report for your old man at MI6.
CIA, MI6 Interpol, please find my updates to the nearly accomplished 2011 mission “Villains & Voodoo” cruise to the James Bond film sites of New Orleans, Key West and Nassau. You will recall the cruise was redirected to Cozumel due to the arrival of Hurricane Irene. Our combined international team of agents agreed to return this year and finish the remaining activities in Nassau, Bahamas. Black Op members,Rich and Leslie Skillman of Theme Party People organized the weekend event, “Operation Nassau Reloaded" and most all the original team from countries around the world rejoined the mission.

Agents arrived on May 24th, 2012 and were greeted 007 lifestyle-wise (you'll probably delete that, eh James?) with Vesper martinis at the British Colonial Hilton, the host hotel and movie site from “Never Say Never Again” (*factoid, the Colonial is also mentioned in Fleming’s short story, “Quantum of Solace”).

The ski up scene featuring Fatima Blush was shot on a now long gone tiki bar at the end of the hotel pier. A late evening of Bahamian cuisine and catching up on the year's activities was completed, the group dined at BLU, a few blocks from Rawson Square, site of both “Thunderball” and “NSNA” sequences featuring Bond, Pinder & Paula meeting at the strawmarket and from NSNA, Bond and Small Fawcett connecting. Following an excellent meal which included local conch favorites, chowder and salad, the tour danced to the local band at BLU and returned to the Hilton, ready to begin the adventures in the morning.

An early morning departure on the 007 tour bus and Richard narrated the origins of the “Thunderball” production as the group arrived and disembarked at Rock Point, a private residence, more familiar as Largo’s estate, Palmyra.

The grounds have seen heavy impacts of hurricane damage since the film’s production in 1965. Of note, the red/white canopies are long gone and one notices the pool has now several statues at each end. Walking around the house, the shark pool is still intact although not in use and in need of much repair. The group mused how incredible this location could serve as a 007 museum or Bed & Breakfast, we could take up a collection but are fairly sure it will fall far short.

Read more: Operation:Nassau Reloaded, as told by Felix
Villains & Voodoo 2011, as told by Largo |

Villains & Voodoo James Bond Tour 2011
August 18-27th 2011. Number One, this is Largo, reporting from the eye of Hurricane Irene, initiated from some unknown evil force, even to SPECTRE. My report really begins on August 18th in New Orleans, at our safe house in the Sheraton New Orleans, where I assembled the world’s foremost SPECTRE agents, villains. temptresses and spies. As you had approved our “Villains and Voodoo” mission, I am sure you shared my enthusiasm at such a collection of spy heraldry gathered in our meeting room.

My admonition to my minions was quite simple, adopt the disguise of schoolteachers or tourists on sabbatical or vacation, wear flowery shirts, and drink silly drinks with umbrellas, any guise necessary to maintain SPECTRE’s deception. We were to cruise New Orleans, Key West and Nassau, visiting the sites and lairs of our most noted SPECTRE legends. They performed admirably and joined me for a walk through New Orleans Bourbon Street to meet with my colleague, Mr. Big. He did not disappoint, arriving in style with his customary marching band and coffin for potential snooping MI6 or CIA agents. After sincere greetings and photos, we visited other film sites, Mickey Rourkes Tattoo Parlor “Tools” from the"Expendables", sites from the "Interview of the Vampire", "Wolverine" and "Angel Heart". Domino and Fiona even took a "nasty turn" on the Carousel Bar at the Monteleone, where once Tennessee Williams and William Faulkner reveled.

We regrouped later in the evening in the Nottoway2Die suite for indoctrination of many new members to our fraternity, CLUB SPECTRE, it was quite a one eye tearful evening for me. Kananga was kind enough to send Baron Samedi and a San Monique dancer to entertain us during our festivities. We followed, Samedi’s procession for a tour of New Orleans at night, learning more about his arcane religion and visiting several voodoo temples. We gathered at the second oldest bar in the United States, Jean Lafitte’s Blacksmith Shop for some frivolity to maintain our tourist cover- from there, frankly, Number One, I did lose contact on the whereabouts of our operatives.
We arose to a wonderful breakfast at Café DuMonde, a sugar trafficking location where the white powder is smuggled into the USA on the back of tasty Beignets, a sort of doughnut too good for your average stupid policeman (with apologies to my friend No). As we arrived at the New Orleans pier, I was filled with pride and wonder to see the fruits of dear Vargas’s labors. My beloved Disco Volante now is clad in a fascia of a tacky cruise ship, complete with a red and blue Whale Tail smoke stack! Can you imagine? Our disguise and camouflage was now complete and our ship, now christened the Carnival Triumph, departed down the Mississippi River and out into the Gulf of Mexico.
 Number One, with your forgiveness, I allowed the next day of our sea voyage to be one of an honor, if you will, to our nemesis, Mr. James Bond. Domino and I hosted a Casino Royale event, with 21 players competing for prizes in a Texas Hold Em Tournament; it was “great fun” as described by one of the players. Personally, a bit too pedestrian to my Baccharat, but i allow it. To my surprise, Domino ultimately won the grand pot over a very loud gentleman from a Philadelphia suburb and a devious Swede. I am proud of all three of them.

Read more: Villains & Voodoo 2011, as told by Largo
Villains & Voodoo Tour 2011 Podcasts |

Our friend and uber-007 collector David Zarisky shares his Podcasts from our Villains & Voodoo Tour 2011.See all of David's podcasts on James Bond
Licence to Kilt- From Bond to Braveheart-a Film Fan’s tour of Scotland

Eilean Donan Castle from "Highlander" & "The World Is Not Enough"
First it must be said, I never have won a raffle before. I diligently drop my name in the spinning basket at many events, never expecting to receive anything other than a small conciliatory prize once in awhile.
My family tree is Scottish, having roots that travel up the Mackay & Graham lines. I attend the Scottish-American Society of Central Florida Games in Orlando, Florida which are held every year in January. This is an incredible activity filled weekend with Highland Games, Bands, Dancing, Whisky tasting and many other events. It is there I willingly drop my raffle ticket into the big drum every year.
This year, late one Sunday night, Chuck McGrew, the executive from the Games, called and announced my name had been drawn from the barrel. He excitedly revealed that Leslie and I had won a one week’s trip to Scotland, including hotels, rental car and airfare, all courtesy of Judy Lowstuter of Celtic Journeys, a sponsor of the games. We were elated and began our research of where the Awards package would take us and what we wanted to see.
Preparation is everything, and having been fortunate to travel for work and play, we began to assemble a game plan.
Read more: Licence to Kilt
Epcot 007 James Bond Adventure Highlights |

It was a wonderful Memorial Day weekend for Bond fans who came to play the EPCOT 007 Adventure in Orlando, Florida. Friends from as far as Germany flew in for a weekend of Bond movies and BBQ , then on Saturday compete in the World Showcase Domination game of the EPCOT 007 Adventure, held annually at the Walt Disney World Resort and organized by Theme Party People.
This year, 40 Bond fans deciphered puzzles & solved Bond trivia questions to lead them to a specific Country located in the World Showcase- and there, engage in mind scratching scavenger hunts. It was all in fun, and this years winners, The Bondover in first, Team Stogie in second and Team Tallon in third had their challenging moments,
A Bond reception was held at the Cabana Bar at the Walt Disney World Dolphin resort, where the band entertained the group with "Secret Agent Man" and other spy hits.

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