"The King and I", as seen on the Rachael Ray Show "The Godfather Weekend" event
"The Living Daylights" Bond Concert "Thunderball" Scuba Party
Rich and Leslie enjoy movies, innovative food and exotic cuisine and people. Over the years, their "entertaining hobby" has taken on a life of its own , with Rich and Leslie creating themed parties that closely resemble a Hollywood production. They call their approach "lights, camera, party", taking their media and theatrical experience and applying it to affordable and no hassle party hosting and themed tours. What was a hobby has grown to national television appearances on "The Rachael Ray Show", charity events and private functions.
Here you will find a sampling of movie and Broadway parties we have created for our movie clubs and special event groups. We will be adding more tips, photos and recipes over the next few months. For the privacy of our guests and the originality and creativity of their party ideas, please request to use content within with permission of themepartypeople.com
Casablanca Party, A Night At Rick's |
Set: Our guests arrived through swirling fog of the Casablanca airport. We set up some "runway" lights and added fog machines and war surplus gas cans, netting and other WWII looking items.
Costumes: Anyone can join in the fun of dressing the part of Rick or Ilsa by donning on a trench coat, white tuxedo coat or white suit or dress. Add a 40's hat for flair and you will most certainly be greeted with "Here's looking at you kid"!
 Catering: Visit your favorite food website and you will find recipes for lamb, couscous, hummus and other wonderful Moroccan dishes. Don't skimp on the unique spices that make these dishes so tasty. Score: We had three sets of music and effect CDs going in various areas of the party. For the Casablanca airport arrival area, we had a SFX cd of WWII planes taxi-ing and taking off. In the lobby we found some Arabic song and dance music to set the Moroccan mood and once in "Rick's Cafe", we played French cafe music such as "Edith Piaf" and other collections.
Action: Just have Rick work the room in his white tux, Elsa helps lead the audience in French anthems and patriotic tunes and the ambience kicks in....Remember, it doesn't have to be difficult or expensive! Just Lights, Camera and Party!

Read more: Casablanca Party, A Night At Rick's
A View to a Kill Wine Tasting |
Set: The Roger Moore James Bond 007 film, "A View to Kill", takes place primarily in France and in San Francisco, California.

As we could not afford to book a Zorin blimp as our Set, we chose a Parisian cafe. Charles, our computer geek did build a Zoran blimp from a remote controlled unit from Radio Shack. We borrowed many iron cafe tables from the neighbors, red/white tablecloths from the Party Supply store and voila, our cafe.
Read more: A View to a Kill Wine Tasting
Set: We created a backyard Safari Camp, borrowing tents from all the Father/Daughter campers on the street(!). Using camping lanterns and folding chairs, the theme was a night of great African films- "African Queen" and one of our favorites from childhood, "Hatari" with John Wayne. Costumes: Doesn't everyone have a pith helmet? Safari garb was easy and being a summer night, most comfortable.
Catering: Rich and Dennis bought frozen turkey legs (those giant ones you see at the theme parks) and BBQ'd up over a 100. Of course, the guests were told they were ostrich legs. Chef Gary used an authentic African recipe to broil Tilapia and served "Nile Perch". Drink: Tusker Beer was specially ordered from the ABC Supply company as well as a broad range of fine South African vintages.
Read more: Hatari Safari
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